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ESG Activities

Occupational Safety and Health Declaration


Shinwa Controls and its group companies recognize that the implementation of occupational health and safety activities is one of the foundations of corporate activities, and will pursue a safe work environment by continuously improving the management system related to occupational health and safety and minimizing risks in order to eliminate influences that hinder the safety and health of all employees, stakeholders, and local communities. We will pursue a safe and hygienic work environment by continuously improving our occupational health and safety management system and minimizing risks.


  • Clarification and evaluation of risks and opportunities
    We will evaluate and clarify the risks and opportunities in occupational health and safety of our business activities, and set targets for important elements to be addressed.
  • Compliance
    We will ensure compliance with all laws, regulations, and stakeholder requirements related to occupational safety and health, and strive to further improve our occupational safety and health management.
  • Elimination of hindering factors for safety and health
    We reduce occupational health and safety risks by identifying and eliminating hindering factors with safety and health.
  • Actions to protect employees
    Throughout all stages of our business activities, we will take action as a company-wide activity on the following items that need to be prioritized among the impacts on occupational health and safety.
    1)To prevent health problems caused by overwork and mental health, we will enhance our occupational safety and health management system and promote the maintenance and improvement of employee health.
    2)In order to reflect the opinions of all employees and stakeholders, we will carry out activities with the participation of all employees through detailed communication.
  • Acquisition of knowledge and skills and raising awareness
    We will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in occupational health and safety activities, and clarify and implement systematically education and training to further raise awareness.
  • Publicize occupational safety and health declaration
    This “Occupational Health and Safety Declaration” shall be made known in writing to all employees and stakeholders, and shall also be publicized to the public.

President & CEO
Takuji Yamamoto