Semiconductors have rapidly growing applications worldwide, ranging from mobile devices to household appliances, audio-visual equipment, LCD televisions and displays, and automobiles. Click here for our range of products used in the production of semiconductors.
Medical Devices
In today’s world, medical care technology and development is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity, from the worldwide extension of life expectancy to the preservation of life as we know it. Our reliable, high-precision products have extensive applications in the medical field, and we are ready to take on the medical challenges of the future.
Aerospace and Beyond
In this new millenium where people, things, and information traverse freely across the globe, defying earth's gravity is no longer the stuff of science fiction and fairy tales. Aerospace development is more pertinent now than ever, and at Shinwa Controls, we help make those dreams of the final frontier come true.
The Next Generation of Renewable Energy
We are thrilled to announce that our technologies have a broad range of applications in the support and development of next-generation renewable energy solutions, including hydrogen stations, solar power, fuel cells, and lithium-ion batteries for electric cars and home energy storage.